Rotten Boroughs : Stony Stratford

I am a great believer in free speech - which is why reserve the right to tell Councillor Paul Bartlett, independant town councillor of Stony Stratford and alderman of Milton Keynes, that's he's totally out of order!

Cllr Bartlett is defying the wishes of his electorate to push through his personal vision of a smoke free Stony Stratford. It's already illegal to smoke in the shops, bars and cafes. Fifteen years ago he was instrumental in pushing through a smoking ban in Milton Keynes shopping centre. Clearly he is a man on a mission...

Under Bartlett's plan it will be illegal to smoke in any public area in Stony Stratford, even though these areas are in the open air. So now not only will it be illegal to smoke inside the pub, but it will be illegal to smoke outside as well. And if you do, you could be fined up to £100.

Cllr Bartlett comments ‘It’s a health thing. You walk up and down the High Street and the Market Square and you get nicotine in your face — children in buggies get smoke in their eyes. It leaves a nasty smell, as well as the litter and germs.

‘Most people think it’s disgusting to spit in the street but when you throw away a cigarette end, you’re really doing the same, throwing your spit on the street. How wonderful it would be if Stony Stratford became a world leader in health issues — beating Tokyo and New York [where they have limited public smoking bans, but nothing as stringent as Bartlett’s blanket proposal]. People will come to smoke-free Stony Stratford just because of it.’

Bartlett, who has never smoked himself, goes on 'We should change the mores of society, and see smoking for the anti-social activity that it is.'

The point, Cllr Bartlett, is that there is a big difference between antisocial and illegal.

The residents of Stony Stratford are so pissed off with Cllr Bartlett's plan that there is a major rally taking place this morning to show the strength of public feeling. It kicks off at 11:00 with guest speakers from 12:00 onwards. The speakers include Bill Etheridge of The Freedom Association; David Odell, Head of Stony Stratford Chamber of Commerce; Patrick Hayes, Journalist at the Institute of Ideas and columnist at Spiked and UKIP's Nigel Farage.

If I were Cllr Bartlett, I would remember that I was elected to carry out the wishes of my electorate, not for them to carry out mine.

I urge you to support this mini-revolution as it could well be the thin edge of the wedge...

(You can read more about this issue here and here. I declare my position as a heavy ex-smoker - 80 a day - who gave up but supports your right to do what you like with your own body!)