Scrounging bastards!

Personally, it came as no great surprise to me to find that 75% of people claiming sickness benefits are fit for work or drop their claim before facing strict new tests. This country has become a haven for people who stick out their hands, sit on their arses and are too bloody lazy to earn a living.

According to DWP figures, of the 2.6million people on incapacity benefit, a total of 1.9million could work. A further 17 per cent were found to be able to work at some point with the right support. Nine out of 10 were capable of employment.

The government has implemented its plan to test claimants to ensure that the claims they are making are genuine. 39% of the people it tested were deemed fit for work, so they stopped their benefit. Unfortunately, this now means that these scrounging bastards now get Jobseekers Allowance instead - but at least that's not opened ended!

More disturbingly, a further 39% withdrew their claims before starting or completing the evaluation process. You can draw your own conclusions from that one...

TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said: “The new incapacity benefit assessment is a much tougher test and is designed to save the Government money. It is therefore unsurprising that more disabled people have been declared fit for work. These figures certainly don’t suggest that thousands of disabled people are suddenly ‘trying it on’.”

You're quite Mr Barber. There's no 'suddenly' about it!

And the thing that makes me maddest about these scroungers is that there are people out there with genuine problems who need and deserve to be helped - and they are going to be tarred with the same brush and find it harder to get that help. The welfare state is fine in principal, but abuse like this just makes a mockery of it.

(You can read more about this subject in the Express by clicking here)